
英文校正・英文校閲ワードバイス (https://wordvice.jp)のはてな編ブログです。



大学留学・大学院留学を目指す学生の皆様や、海外留学を目指す学生を指導する教師の皆様が意外と作成に戸惑ってしまうのが、英文推薦状(Letter of recommendation)です。書き慣れていないと難しく考えがちですが、実は推薦状に記載すべき要素は基本的に決まっています。もちろん学生ごとにアピールしたい部分はそれぞれですが、受験生の学問的能力、対外活動、個人的な強みの紹介を基本として、受験生が授業に最も熱心に参加していた学生であること、出願校に最も適した学生であることをアピールするのが推薦状の役割と言えます。




Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. () または () Admissions Office,

I have had the distinct pleasure of having () as a student in my () classes for () years at () High School. () has been more than the ideal student. In order to achieve the highest grades and my deepest respect, she has demonstrated ( ) and maintained ( ). The academics at ( ) High School are most challenging, and ( ) fulfilled all the requirements with the added challenge of ( ). [honors, advanced course がある場合] ( ) is an outstanding ( ) and ( ). She has won many awards on the ( ), and qualified for ( ). Success in these ( ) activities requires ( ) and ( ). [学習態度、能力、努力など]

Due to its nature of ( ), the successful high school ( ) [専攻、関心分野] student serves by not only ( ) but also by ( ). One of the requirements in my class is to ( ). With ( )’ s superior knowledge and involvement in the ( ), she developed a strong sense of confidence with a charming attitude.[学生に合わせて作成] Therefore, I could always depend on her to set the best example as an instructor. On account of her mature approach to her responsibilities, I often thought of ( ) as a colleague.
Since her classmates, my fellow teachers, and I will always hold her in the highest esteem, I sincerely recommend ( ) as the ideal candidate for matriculation at ( ).[出願校]

Respectfully submitted,





