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スタンフォード大学出願エッセイの「10 Opening lines」




そこで、本日はスタンフォード大学合格者の入試エッセイで実際に用いられた、書き出しの文(opening lines)をいくつか用意してみました。非常にウィットとユーモアに富んだ表現を使用しており、このまま使用したりアレンジするのは難しいかもしれませんが、読者の心を掴むためにはどのような工夫が必要なのか、流れをを読み取ってみましょう。


10 Opening Lines from Stanford Admission Essays

  1.  I change my name each time I place an order at Starbucks.
  2. When I was in the eighth grade I couldn’t read.
  3. While traveling through the daily path of life, have you ever stumbled upon a hidden 4. pocket of the universe?
  4. I have old hands.
  5. I was paralyzed from the waist down. I would try to move my leg or even shift an ankle but I never got a response. This was the first time thoughts of death ever cross my mind.
  6. I almost didn’t live through September 11th, 2001.
  7. The spaghetti burbled and slushed around the pan, and as I stirred it, the noises it 9. gave off began to sound increasingly like bodily functions.
  8. I have been surfing Lake Michigan since I was 3 years old.
  9. I stand on the riverbank surveying this rippled range like some riparian cowboy -instead of chaps, I wear vinyl, thigh-high waders and a lasso of measuring tape and twine is slung over my arm.
  10. I had never seen anyone get so excited about mitochondria.


