
英文校正・英文校閲ワードバイス (https://wordvice.jp)のはてな編ブログです。




























Step 1: これから質疑応答セッションを始めることを告げる

例:“I will now answer any questions you have about this research. Please speak slowly and clearly.”


Step 2: 質問内容を正確に理解する


状況 例文
質問がよく聞こえなかった場合 “Sorry, I didn’t catch all of that.”“Could you repeat your question, please?”
質問の意図が分からなかった場合 “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”“Could you please rephrase the question?”
質問の一部が定かでない場合 “I don’t quite understand…”“Are you asking about (the 1995 study)?”“Are you referring to (the peptides discussed in Figure 2.3)?”“Do you mean (the patients in the placebo group) ?”“Could you be more specific?”
質問を聞き直しても理解できない場合 “I’m sorry. I still don’t understand your question.”“Could I come back to you later?”“Could you please talk to me after the session?”


Step 3: 質問に答える

3-a. まずは感謝のコメントから


“That’s a great question. Thank you for asking.”
“I appreciate your question and am happy to answer it.”
“What a thoughtful question! I’m glad you asked.”
“What an interesting question! I’ll do my best to answer.”

3-b. 正確に回答を述べる



状況 例文
質問の答えが分からない場合 “I’m sorry. I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to that question.”“I will look into that and follow up with you.”“I can’t answer now, but I will try to find out more about this.”
その場で質問に答えたくない場合 “I’m sorry–could we discuss this issue after the session?”“I’d rather discuss this issue privately please.”
質問に答えるための情報が不十分な場合  “We aren’t aware of any details at this time.”“We don’t have information about this yet.”
後続研究・実験が必要な場合 “We are awaiting further research on this issue.”“We need to do more studies to answer this.”
  • 質問と返答の例
状況 質問例 返答例
質問の答えが分からない場合 “What about the data collected between 1994 and 1997?” “I’m sorry. I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to that question.”
その場で質問に答えたくない場合 “When is the latest version of this study going to be published?” “I’d rather discuss this issue privately, please.”
質問に答えるための情報が不十分な場合  “What are the findings of other state hospitals on this issue?”  “We don’t have information about this yet.”“We are awaiting further research on this.”



状況 例文
考える時間が必要な場合 [*Repeat the whole question or part of it]“Please give me a moment to think about this question.”“Just one moment—I need to consider my answer.”
質問に関してより詳しい情報が必要な場合 “Just so I understand…”“Are you referring to (the methods of analysis or to the experiment)?“Do you mean (the Smith study from 2014)?“What information are you referring to exactly?”
  • 質問と返答の例
状況 質問例 返答例
考える時間が必要な場合 “Were all sample groups in the study in the same cohort?” “In the same cohort? Please give me a moment to think about this question.”
質問に関してより詳しい情報が必要な場合 “What about the data collected between 1994 and 1997?” “The data collected between 1994 and 1997? Which data are you referring to exactly?”






質問・コメント 返答例
“Have you used this approach?” “No, but thank you for your input. We will look into this.”“We considered this approach. But there were some problems.”
“Why did you use this method of analysis?” “There were several reasons for this. First…”“We found several other methods to be problematic.”“We have explained our rational fully in the paper.”
“What limitations to the study did you identity?” “We didn’t identify any specific limitations.”“We did identify a couple of limitations. These include…”


質問・コメント 返答例
“Could you elaborate on the results of X?” “Yes. What results would you like to know about?”“I’m afraid I can’t say more about the findings now.”
“What are the implications of these findings?” Most importantly, these findings imply that…”“There are several implications here. First…”“I’m afraid I can’t say more about the implications now.”
“Could this study impact any other related areas of research?”  “These results might impact areas of (medicine/patient care/administration, etc.).”“We need more information to answer this question.”“Our conclusions are limited to this area of research.”


状況 質問例 返答例
プレゼンテーション内容を振り返る “Could you repeat what methods of analysis you used?” “As I mentioned earlier…”“Let’s look at this slide again…”“Yes. Looking at slide 34…”
視覚的資料について言及 “Are the data in Figure 4 representative of all sample groups?”“What is being measured in Table 2.2?” “Let’s take a look at this figure again.”“As you can see in this chart/graph/figure…”“Let me explain this figure again.”




  1. 姿勢良くまっすぐ立つ — 自信を持って胸を張りましょう。
  2. 親しみやすく朗らかなトーンを心がける — 笑顔と礼儀正しい言葉使いでリラックスした雰囲気を作ります。
  3. 慌てず自分のペースで話す — 質疑応答をするときには焦らず、質問内容をしっかりと理解する余裕を持って、落ち着いて話しましょう。
  4. スライドで連絡先を紹介するのを忘れずに — 質疑応答セッションの終了後にも聴衆から個別の質問を受け取れるようにします。









そこで今回、実際にMBAの受験用英文エッセイとして出題されたエッセイのサンプル例文を持ってきました。ワードバイスでは、MBA志望者の皆さまに特化したエッセイ対策をサポートするために、実際にMBAを卒業しているネイティブのシニアエディターがエッセイ添削を担当しています。 プレミアムエッセイ添削サービスなら14日間無制限の再校正保証付きで、MBA対策スクールよりも圧倒的な格安価格でエッセイ対策が行えます。



Prompt: Describe how your experiences, both professional and personal, have led to your decision to pursue an MBA at the Wharton school this year. How does this decision relate to your career goals for the future?

Throughout my life I have observed two distinct career paths, my father’s and my uncle’s. My father completed his engineering degree and secured a government job in India, which he continues to hold to this day. My uncle’s path began similarly; like my father, he earned an engineering degree. My uncle, on the other hand, continued his education by moving to the United States to earn an MBA, then started his own venture and became a successful businessman in Los Angeles. Evaluating their experiences helped me understand what I wanted from my life and create a ‘master plan’ for my career. While I appreciate the excitement, flexibility, and independence my uncle has in his life, I value my father’s proximity to his family and culture. I now realize that a career as an entrepreneur in India could provide me with the “best of both worlds.”

With the objective of learning about business, I completed my bachelor’s degree in Commerce and joined KPMG in the Audit & Business Advisory Department. I believed that a career with an accounting firm would serve me in two ways: first, by enhancing my knowledge of accounting — the language of business — and second, by providing me with an excellent introduction to the business world. My decision seemed to be a sound one; in my first two years at KPMG, I worked on a wide variety of assignments that not only strengthened my analytical and problem-solving skills, but also taught me how large businesses managed their sourcing, manufacturing, and distribution functions. After enjoying this productive and educational experience for two years, I decided I wanted greater opportunities than what the audit department could offer.

Thus, when the Management Assurance Services (MAS) practice was established in India, the challenge of working in a new service line and the opportunity to help improve the risk management mechanisms of businesses influenced me to join it. In the last three years, I have improved risk management capabilities of clients by addressing strategic, enterprise and operational risk issues. I have also assisted the MAS practice in tailoring our international portfolio of services to the Indian marketplace by conducting risk management surveys, interacting with professionals in other developing economies, and conducting interviews with senior client management. Besides becoming skilled at process risk consulting, I have also significantly improved my project management and ‘new service’ development abilities in the last three years.




