Tip 1: 名詞の前に動詞を使用する(名詞化を回避)
- We should take into consideration several factors.
- He must make a decision about what to do.
- They gave us information about the new research program.
上の三つの文章で違和感を覚える部分はありませんか?実は、上記の三つの文章は文法的に見るとどれも間違いではありません。ただ、“take into consideration”, “make a decision about”,“gave us information”のように名詞化された動詞を使用しているせいで文が長くなり、意味も不明確になっているのです。上の三つは、動詞(strong verb)を使用せずにすべて名詞化されたフレーズを使用している例です。
- We should take into consideration several factors. [7 単語]
- He must make a decision about what to do. [9 単語]
- They gave us information about the new research program. [9 単語]
- We should consider several factors. [5単語]
- He must decide about what to do. [7単語]
- They informed us about the new research program. [8単語]
× The analysis of how X-factor impacts B gene expression was conducted. [11単語]
√ We analyzed X-factor’s impact on B gene expression. [8単語]
よく使われがちな名詞化(nominalization)タイプを見ていくと、一定のパターンがあることが見えてきます。“make”や‘take”、動名詞(動詞+ing)、または -tion, -sion, -ment, -ence, -anceなどで終わる名詞を含むフレーズは多くが名詞化された表現を使用しており、動詞で置き換えることができます。英作文をするときはワードの検索機能を使って上のような文型を探し、添削を受ける前にあらかじめ修正しておくのも一つの手です。
- Meaningless verb (無意味な動詞) + 名詞化: 無意味な動詞を削除し、名詞化された動詞を本来の動詞形に修正。
- Joe will conduct research on the impact of the recent drought on local wildlife.
→ Joe will research the recent drought’s impact on local wildlife. - The board will make a decision next week about whether to accept you next week.
→ The board will decide next week whether to accept you.
- Joe will conduct research on the impact of the recent drought on local wildlife.
- 名詞化されたフレーズが受動態の文章の主語になっている場合: 本来の主語を見つけ、名詞化されたフレーズをその主語に合った動詞に修正。
- The approval of the plan was given by the committee yesterday.
→ The committee approved the plan yesterday.
- The approval of the plan was given by the committee yesterday.
- 連続した名詞化の使用: 一つ目の名詞化フレーズを動詞形にした後、二つ目の名詞化フレーズはそのままにするか、疑問文の形に修正。
- Their interpretation of the implementation of the institute’s program was insightful.
→ They insightfully interpreted how the institute implemented its program. - First was their introduction of their analysis of dreams by the trauma patients.
→ First, they introduced how they analyzed the trauma patients’ dreams.
- Their interpretation of the implementation of the institute’s program was insightful.
- 名詞化された述部 (predicate)が名詞化された主語を修飾している場合[!最も修正しにくい場合!]: 名詞化された各フレーズを動詞の文に書き換える。次に、二つのフレーズの間を論理的に繋ぐ接続詞(because, when, if, although, even though, despite など)を使用して一文にする。
- Her understanding of the situation was evidenced by the quitting of her job.
→ She understood the situation … she quit her job
→ When she quit her job, she showed she understood the situation.
- Her understanding of the situation was evidenced by the quitting of her job.
Q. 各文章で名詞化されたフレーズを探し、動詞を使用した文に書き換えてください。
- We made an agreement not to buy the house.
- They reached the conclusion that we should run a new cohort study.
- Our review of the test results will begin tomorrow.
- The discovery of a new planet by the Frankfurt Observatory excited the scientific community.
- The failure of the staff to organize the festival properly was a disappointment to us.
- The undertaking of building the new company was complicated by their lack of experience.
- We agreed to not buy the house.
- They concluded that we should run a new cohort study.
- Starting tomorrow, we will review the test results.
- The Frankfurt Observatory discovered a new planet, which excited the scientific community.
- When the staff failed to organize the festival properly, they disappointed us.
- They lacked experience, which complicated how they built the new company.